The truth about my double chin!

Truth is, it was way more than just my double chin. I hated my appearance. I was self conscious, I dodged candid photos like my life depended on it. I only stood a certain way in photos so you couldn’t see my profile. I would feel ok looking in the mirror, then I would get back our family photos and want to cry because the person holding up my baby in the pictures wasn’t who I thought I saw in the mirror.

Kybella gave me my confidence back. It didn’t happen overnight, but it did happen over a series of events. First, one night out of the blue eating dinner with my husband, he looked at me and said “have you lost weight?” (literal music to anyone’s ears!)  Truth was, I hadn’t, not a pound; but the fat under my chin had started dwindle after my 2nd kybella treatment and it gave my jawline more definition.

Next, I was speaking at an event, and someone posted this picture of our lecture.. A candid photo, my WORST nightmare, but I zoomed in, and my heart exploded! It’s a fuzzy, low quality picture, and honestly I look like I’m scowling, but this picture was the “I  have arrived” moment. I finally had the jawline I thought I would only get in my dreams. My confidence skyrocketed, and it was all because I took the leap and did Kybella!


I know I’m not the only one who feels/felt this way. So please don’t let your double chin make you hide from pictures. Kybella can get rid of your double chin permanently!

This month only Kybella is half off, and you can buy in as many times as you want! Get all the sessions you need to get the sculpted jawline!

You can purchase it in our app by clicking below. Discount only works on single sessions!  Here is what your results could look like!

before and after Kybella

Click here to purchase on our app!

If you haven’t talked to a provider about this treatment, book a quick consult before purchasing to make sure you’re the perfect candidate! You won’t regret it!

Click here to Book an appointment


Corie and your 4esthetics Team